In PowerShell, there is the Get-Process cmdlet. However, this does not return the ParentProcessId property, so it is unsuitable for displaying an indented process tree, which you, for instance, could send by email. Luckily, there is the Get-WMIObject cmdlet that can return the ParentProcessId. How to get a Process Tree… Read more »
Reading the Windows registry from PowerShell can be a bit cumbersome, when all you wanted to retrieve is the value of an item under a key, at least with PowerShell version before v5. The Get-ItemProperty can be used to enumerate the items and their values under a registry key, but… Read more »
This post contains a few (short) useful PowerShell functions and snippets, that you can include in projects and/or your profile, and some which showcase some peculiar solutions to problems in PowerShell. This one is for use in your profile, so you can see in Alt-Tab which Powershell console is running… Read more »
I setup a CentOS 7 server recently, that regrettably needs open SSH to the outside world. As I don’t dabble in CentOS that much, I thought I’d write out the instructions for myself and others to install fail2ban. This will block people trying to bruteforce your server with lots of… Read more »
By far the most popular and easy to setup firewall for Ubuntu is UFW, which stands for the ‘Uncomplicated FireWall’. In this tutorial I’ll provide some examples for setups with UFW. I tested the following lines on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installation, but this should all work the same with… Read more »
When checking my cloned Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM, I noticed that it still contained the volume group name from the original, which is of course not desired. It seemed fairly simple, but I kept receiving an error with update-grub, reporting the old Volume Group name: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get… Read more »
Eth0 static IP address configuration On the latest version of Raspbian (in my case, Raspbian GNU/Linux 8), you should not use /etc/network/interfaces to set up your networks. All configuration has been offloaded to the dhcpcd client. For a static IP address on the eth0 interface, you’ll need to edit file /etc/dhcpcd.conf For… Read more »