Yesterday, I needed to create a script that would allow me to stop a lot of services in one go, so I created a small one-liner script. However, as it could be dangerously easy to execute this by mistake, I decided to figure out how to apply WhatIf as a… Read more »
A little time ago, my (admin) user in Windows 10 was so badly damaged, that I had to re-create it. While that was easily done, I found that the NTFS rights on my D: drive were a bit odd: Every folder had inherited an ACL right from D:\ for my… Read more »
What is Zabbix monitoring? Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually any event. This allows… Read more »
One of the more useful Windows features for Windows administrators is the Remote Server Administration Tools pack (RSAT). Apart from allowing you to install GUI elements in the Administrative Tools menu, this can also install the command-line tools for querying and managing Active Directory: dsquery.exe, dsadd.exe, dsget.exe, dsmod.exe, dsmove.exe and… Read more »
Today I was viewing the performance statistics in task manager on Server 2012 R2, and noticed that disk performance is not included, in contrary to showing up on my Windows 10 machine’s task manager.
In PowerShell, there is the Get-Process cmdlet. However, this does not return the ParentProcessId property, so it is unsuitable for displaying an indented process tree, which you, for instance, could send by email. Luckily, there is the Get-WMIObject cmdlet that can return the ParentProcessId. How to get a Process Tree… Read more »
Reading the Windows registry from PowerShell can be a bit cumbersome, when all you wanted to retrieve is the value of an item under a key, at least with PowerShell version before v5. The Get-ItemProperty can be used to enumerate the items and their values under a registry key, but… Read more »
This post contains a few (short) useful PowerShell functions and snippets, that you can include in projects and/or your profile, and some which showcase some peculiar solutions to problems in PowerShell. This one is for use in your profile, so you can see in Alt-Tab which Powershell console is running… Read more »
I setup a CentOS 7 server recently, that regrettably needs open SSH to the outside world. As I don’t dabble in CentOS that much, I thought I’d write out the instructions for myself and others to install fail2ban. This will block people trying to bruteforce your server with lots of… Read more »
By far the most popular and easy to setup firewall for Ubuntu is UFW, which stands for the ‘Uncomplicated FireWall’. In this tutorial I’ll provide some examples for setups with UFW. I tested the following lines on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installation, but this should all work the same with… Read more »